Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mixed Tulip

Mixed Tulips

Tulips were the symbol for the Turkish Empire. It is said that tulips got their name due to the resemblance to the headgear worn by people in the Middle East, such as the Persians -- the turban, that was also written as "toliban". Changed into Latin, this became "tulipa," hence the name tulips. Tulips symbolize imagination, dreaminess, perfect lover, and a declaration of love.

Tulips are one of the most popular spring flowers
of all time, and the third most popular flower world-wide next only to the Rose and Chrysanthemum. Holland is most known for these showy and colorful flowers. In the 17th century Tulips were used as currency. Holland loved the tulips, and tulips became a status of wealth and prestige. The tulip bulbs became so popular that “tulipomania” developed early in the 17th century between 1634 and 1637. Tulips symbolize imagination, dreaminess, perfect lover, and a declaration of love.


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